
PODCAST: It’s all about location, location, location!

Sunsets-are-always-different-1024x768 PODCAST:  It's all about location, location, location!


If you don’t have a great location, you can’t have a great wedding in Hawaii.   I still can’t believe that some couples cross the ocean, to get married on a small strip of sand, by a sidewalk, behind a condo – that’s Waialae Beach Park, somewhere you should avoid at all cost.  In this podcast, I chat about all wedding locations, how I pick them, why wind matters, and my opinion on private estates, hotels, beaches, and the permit law.


me PODCAST:  It's all about location, location, location!
I pretty much do everything around here, from photography and video production, to the organization of all of my weddings. As you can see, I'm also the head writer too! If for some reason you can't reach me at my direct line, or my toll free number, feel free to hit me up on my company cell at (808) 479-0685. Call anytime...well, almost anytime. Don't call on Super Bowl Sunday or when the Philadelphia Eagles are playing!
me PODCAST:  It's all about location, location, location!

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